Michael Cabral
Personalized Technology Support
for the Small Office/Home Office

Covid-19 Statement
As much as possible, I am still helping clients with their technology issues.
If you are a client, e-mail me to let me know you have an issue. I monitor for e-mail continuously throughout the day.
You may also leave a voicemail. I will be checking for voicemails at the beginning and end of the day.
If you are not a client, you may conact me using this form.
Well, who do you think you are?
You make the deals, make the connections, and make the coffee. You do it all, and you sometimes find yourself stymied by a technology problem. You might resolve it, or you might live with it. Or you might wonder why you have to be Tech Support when you'd rather be running your business. So, turn to my business so that you can go back to what you really want to be doing.
Got a lead? Got a call! You're hot, hot, hot! That is until the Wi-Fi's shot, shot, shot. Then you're… Well, you know the rest of the tune. A technical glitch can ruin your day, and your targets. You might have access to Tech Support, but maybe you're just not comfortable talking to someone when things get complicated. I help you as a first line of defense, and talk "geek" to your Tech Team.
Your home is your castle, and maybe your office. When things go wrong, you don't have the ability to have a Tech stop by your cubical to take a look. Instead, tech support might come in the form of a teenager within close proximity, the big box store, or your ISP. I understand what it's like to deal with a smaller network. I also support many of the applications that you would commonly use.
John, the cashier from last year, put in a Wi-Fi, but nobody knows the password. The cash register might be vulnerable. Someone said that Square is better. The accountant wants you to use QuickBooks. You want to greet your customers. I can help bring a more formal IT process into your shop.
Nonprofits come in all sizes and forms. With their "can do" attitude, and tight budgets, they are great places for tech to help. Still, there are times that nonprofits and houses of worship don't take advantage of technology programs that could help them. I've worked with nonprofits and can help with programs specific to them.
That paper you're writing may not be a $1-million contract. But to you, it's your future. If you're dealing with on-line courses, e-mail, word processors and deadlines, your issues are as weighty as any Fortune 500 company. Schools do their best to provide you with Tech Support, but you don't always have access to them. I can provide that helping hand with technical and application issues.
For over 15 years, Michael Cabral has helped users in the Small Office/Home Office demographic with their Technology needs. His focus is applications that are typical of those found in the day-to-day workings of SOHO businesses. These programs include Microsoft® Office®, G Suite, Intuit Quicken and QuickBooks. Wi-Fi and laptop issues are also commonly addressed, and well as set-up and usage issues for various e-mail applications including MS Outlook and eM Client. Additionally, Mike will troubleshoot and configure smartphones and mobile devices.
Publicly, Mike has led computer training courses at several facilities including The Learning Connection, South Coast Learning Network, and CompUSA. Currently, he is available to train privately for companies and individuals. He has completed the Brown University Learning Community Training Certificate Program.
Mike is the sole partner of the Rhode Island-based business SOHO Business Enterprises, LLC.